congestia nazală cauzată de răceală

How Sterimar helps you get rid of nasal congestion caused by a cold – In vitro of the safety and performance of Sterimar in seasonal colds

The common cold is a viral infectious disease with symptoms ranging from runny nose and sore throat, to nasal congestion which can be extremely uncomfortable.    State-of-the-art therapeutic approaches focus on alleviating the symptoms of this disease through non-invasive and easy-to-use methods.    Hydration of the nasal mucosa, along with proper hygiene, alleviates these unpleasant…

spray-ul Sterimar

Why Sterimar Spray is Different – In Vitro Safety and Efficiency Comparison of Sterimar and Electrodialyzed Seawater

Nasal irrigation is often used to manage sinonasal symptoms and maintain nasal hygiene, which is essential for overall nasal health and to provide protection against contaminants and airborne pathogens.    However, studies comparing the effectiveness of different solutions are needed to give users all the details they need to choose the most effective solution for…

Utilizarea spray-urilor nazale

Use of Nasal Sprays After Sinus Surgery – Case Study

Postoperative care of the nasal mucosa after surgery is essential for rapid healing and reduced nasal sensitivity.   A recent study compared the results of a group of patients undergoing sinus surgery for chronic rhinosinusitis with and without polyps to determine the effectiveness of nasal sprays in post-operative care and hygiene.   Volunteers tested two different…

Clinical Studies

Use of Stérimar in ENT hygiene SOURCE: B Azoulay, ENT outpatients, Saint-Cloud Hospital, France. Gazzette Medicale 1987: 94:31 Sterimar helped with nose-blowing, drainage of the nasal cavities and improved nasal hygiene. Sterimar as a factor in nasal hygiene SOURCE: J Bruker, ENT department, Centre medico-chirurgical Foch, Suresnes, France. Gazette Medicale 1989: 96: 42 Sterimar improved…